在「榮民製藥廠」網站中,藉由插畫形式與flash 動畫效果將榮藥的技術成就、專業的手工製藥流程、榮民奮鬥為國情操、榮藥廠內的生活點滴、古董老機具的認識等等,串連成有趣的故事小品,瀏覽者得以了解其在製藥產業的卓越貢獻和溫暖的企業文化。同時,以3D的廠房外貌,搭配720VR全景虛擬實境作為導覽,讓瀏覽者有如身歷其境,體驗「榮藥」的昔日風華和今日榮耀。
VPP website contains technical achievement, artificial pharmacy flow, employee’s lifestyle and production machine illustration. It is easy that viewers are able to understand the excellent contribution and warm enterprise culture. Especially, there is the guide of virtual tour for factory buildings. We hope to help viewers become more acquainted with the past and present of VPP.
由於「高雄硫酸錏」已走入歷史,因此網站以懷舊風格為設計理念,並搭配播放老舊照片和珍貴的紀錄影片,採用3D呈現廠舍樣貌和規劃故事動畫,來介紹「高硫」的種種,讓社會大眾對其營運狀況能有完整的認識。而網站內提供下載的動畫遊戲,如快樂農場等等,也讓主題網站有更多的趣味。 We adopt old fashion style for KASC website since the enterprise already closed. Also, the website collects old photos, documentary films and animation to tell the story of KASC, intends to let viewers have a comprehensive picture about KASC. |