
    本計畫旨在發展一指標性之華文數位閱讀服務平台。解決數位閱讀產業鏈中內容共通格式轉換技術議題,並透過豐富多元的商業數位出版、微型網路出版與數位典藏內容為資料來源,研發中文分散式索引與語意分析技術,於高互動行動聯網裝置,提供高附加價值的創新數位閱讀資訊應用系統、產品與服務。並藉由語音與情境會話提供高互動的華文學習與閱讀體驗,引領業界發展具智慧之數位閱讀網路服務/行動網路服務創新應用,開展新興網路服務商機。 其研發重點包括中文內容匯流搜尋技術、數位閱讀內容共通格式轉換機制、情境模擬華語會話學習技術、華語聽說訓練技術和嵌入式學習技術等面向。

  • Promotion of E-learning and Digital Archives Industries Program
    From 2003 to 2007 the National Science Council has executed a five-year national e-Learning program and facilitated the development of e-Learning industry to grow from NT$ 700 million in 2002 to NT$ 12 billion in 2007. There were more than 20 industries introducing e-Learning from high-tech to traditional. As the result, the e-learning introduction rate for large enterprises grew from 14% up to 52%. Due to the tremendous changes brought by the development of global networks and e-Learning technologies, such as Web2.0, open concept, collaborative intelligence, 3 G Broadband / WiMAX, digital television and Internet broadcasting, soft electronics, learning games, mobile learning, these emerging technologies will lead to innovative applications in multiple areas. Therefore another term of five-year digital archive and e-Learning national program starting from 2008 is initiated, the objectives of which is to enhance the core competencies of vendors, to innovate learning services and business models, to effectively utilize the incentive grants, to stimulate the market demands, and to elevate the e-learning effectiveness of the application for corporation at the same time.

    After execution of the program this year, the market size of the industry is expected to be promoted from NT$ 134 billion last year, up to NT$15 billion. The global revenue will grow from NT$ 850 million to NT$ 1 billion, and the investment of the vendors will reach 1 billion as well. In addition, in order to further elevate the effectiveness in applying e-Learning in enterprises, at least one knowledge network will be established in selected industries every year, such as tourism, healthcare, agriculture, etc. so as to impact hundreds of its upstream and downstream companies.