2009 年度「藝學網功能擴充及維運推廣」暨
  • 主辦單位:行政院文化建設委員會


    為執行政府在97年度推行的「數位教育與網路學習計畫」中之子計畫「藝文網路學習發展」之推行運作,以行政院文化建設委員會「藝學網」做為數位學習平臺,鼓勵大眾傳遞與學習臺灣各類文化、藝術、歷史、自然等相關知識,增進臺灣優美文化的傳承與維護。 “The Extension and Promotion of Art e-learning website” &”e-Learning of Arts and Humanistic Education” Program in 2009

    Sponsoring Organization : Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan

    Executing Organization : Bright Ideas Design Co., Ltd.

    In order to promote the "e-Learning for Art and Culture Project" which is the sub-plan of “e-education and e-learning program” under government’s technology program “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program” in 2008, the program is centering on “Council for Cultural Affair’s Art e-Learning Website” which is a digital learning platform to encourage people to communicate and learn the knowledge of culture, art, history and nature for pass down the beautiful tradition in Taiwan.